Tuesday, December 28, 2010

traditions and travels.

What a blessed Christmas it has been. I am so blessed to have 2 Christmases- one with Jordan's family and one with my family. I would say my top favorite gifts were my cricut and my iPhone (which I am writing this post from - amazing). This Christmas season was full of joy, peace, and remembrance. I was often reminded of childhood memories and traditions, which made me wish I could go back in time. One of the greatest joys this season brought was a little girl into the world.. My niece- Iris Elizabeth who is one precious gal. I haven't met her yet, unless via FaceTime counts? I can't wait to hold her innocent, precious self. As for peace, it wasn't a wild and crazy holiday full of family drama, but instead, a time of resting and family enjoyment. Thank you Lord.

Some of the best memories I have growing up are at my grandparent's house on Lake Murray. Good times. While I was there over the holiday, I ran to the store with my Papa (my dad's dad). As we were on our way, I began having flashbacks of the times we used to spend together. We would always go fishing, get on the boat, or maybe even go to the hunt club. There are some in my family that say Papa would get me out of trouble or get me to stop crying when I was in trouble, as a child. So funny because that's also what my dad would do. Apparently I was a daddy's and a Papa's girl, and very proud of it. I believe I was the only girl in the family that would do outdoor activities with my Papa, so we were best buds. As I've
gotten older, I've always had a special place in my heart for my Papa. He can certainly be ornery sometimes, but truly has a heart of gold. I remember going to him in a store asking him to buy me a treat because I knew he always would. All of this to say that as I was in the car with him, as he talked about his 62nd anniversary that him and my Granny celebrated on Christmas Eve, I almost came to tears. It's amazing how life and growing up take over memories and special time with the ones you love. It's the little moments that mean the most- teaching me how to hold a fishing pole or making me feel so special when no one else sees. He reminds me so much of my dad that I can't imagine anything happening to him. Papas are supposed to last forever right? I sure hope so! He has and will always have a special place in my heart- from a child screaming to walking me down the aisle on my wedding day.

I am currently on a bus full of anxious youth, awaiting the arrival to Chattanooga, TN. We are on the way to Winter Ramp, which was moved from it's usual location of Hamilton, AL because of the thousands that didn't want to miss out on the presence of Jesus and all it's greatness. I am once again praying for a radical experience for each of them. It seems that every trip I take with our awesome youth group attracts a different crowd. Therefore, this crowd is gloriously different from the last group that went in the summer. We are all expecting.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Carl Sanders Hwy,Appling,United States

Sunday, December 12, 2010

then and now.

As I reflect upon this past semester (or year), that word is all that comes to mind. Wow. There have been rediculously fun times, crazy tired times, edgy exciting times, and some not to exciting. I am pleased to tell you that I am finished with undergrad classes forever. Yes, forever. Next semester will be nothing but student teaching; the elementary classroom, all day-every day.

As I write this post, I also reflect on where the Lord has brought me. In my high school years, I had no intentions of going to college, no one had ever really discussed college with me. Me and Jordan began dating, and soon after it was time for him to go to college. He came home every weekend, which was precious, and soon after that, it was time for me to graduate. Without any college in mind, I just figured I would go where Jordan was. Without straight A's or even A's and B's, I wasn't sure if CSU would accept me. But, I'll never forget the day I found out I was accepted. It was on a Saturday afternoon. The dance team was ministering at a local church and my mom called me right before the service began to tell me I had received an acceptance letter. I remember small tears and a glance up to heaven with a thankful heart.

To some, a college acceptance letter may not have been a big deal or stressor. For me, it was a door for a new beginning in my life, an escape from what I was going through at that time, and something that I wanted to accomplish for myself. As college began, I was determined to complete all four years to earn a degree; and that's what I will do.

Today at church, we had a service to show our appreciation to an influential family in our church. Mrs. Amy is our praise and worship leader and her husband has been given a new job in a church that requires them to move cross-country. They also have two sons, Carson and Luke, who have been a huge part of our youth. A few people got up and spoke about how the Dowell family had influenced their lives and how much they are appreciated and loved. I believe the whole church was in tears. Good to see them have a great opportunity, but very sad to see them leave. At one point, I just couldn't stop crying! Tears just kept coming, and I wasn't sure why. I am close to the Dowell family, and love them very much, but honestly did not think it would be so sad when they left. All of sudden, it hit me. For those of you who know my testimony (which is another post for another day), know what my family situation has been like. I heard Damon Thompson once say that spiritual mothers and fathers are there for you when yours may not be. They are supposed to help lead you and influence you, "fill in the gap". Because I haven't always had parents there to support me, I have watched closely and clinged to Godly women and men of my church. I watch what they do, value my time with them, and learn from their character. I have frequently said that I am close to my church family, but haven't realized until today, how much of an impact particular women, men, and families have had on my life. Therefore, today I was reflecting back on how Mrs. Amy had influenced me as a motherly figure, the love she has always shown towards this heart- even when she didn't think I was listening.

You know, sometimes I just wonder how I've ended up where I am. The world would have probably seen me as a teenager who had nothing, and had no resources to go anywhere. But, the Lord saw me with a broken heart who needed repair, and a vessel ready to be used. That, He has done. I am once again eternally thankful. He is worthy.

My freshman year of college :)

My senior year of college!

PS. Christmas is right around the corner! A festive post is sure to come ;)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Thankful: A Level Deeper.

Fall, Autumn, Harvest, Thanksgiving= a happy Chelsea.

Oh yes, my favorite time of year. Football, Pumpkin Spice Lattes, scarves, sweaters, 75 degree weather, falling leaves, colored leaves, and so much more! Its time is finally approaching for the year, and it often goes by too quickly. I cannot believe it is already November... which also means this semester is quickly coming to an end. Which also means I will be finished with my last semester of college classes, which also means, I am getting old! Anyway, this fall will be the last of my "singleness". Next fall, I will be a married woman, sitting on the couch drinking a delectable latte while Mr. Lancaster will probably just have hot chocolate (he's not much of a coffee drinker). I just love imagining these things! For some more exciting news... I will soon be an aunt! My sister Lindsay is expecting and also my bff Ashley, whose child I will also be considered an aunt ;). I can't wait to see these little ones, babies are my favorite! I keep reminding Lindsay about the bows Ms. Iris will be expected to wear, made by yours truly, which by the way she will be having a girl- little Iris Elizabeth. We have so much to be thankful for.

Which brings me to my next topic, simply being thankful. As this month approaches, so does the scrumptious holiday of Thanksgiving. In years past, I have always reflected on what I am thankful for on Thanksgiving day, and made sure that I acknowledge what this holiday truly is about. However, this year I have gotten a head start. Among the past couple of days I have had the opportunity to volunteer my time for the less fortunate. On Saturday, a group from Rezlife visited a boy's home for a cookout and some fall festivities. I had been wanting to visit this home for awhile but had never been able to go. As I met the young men who live in the homes, I immediately wanted to take them home with me. The majority of them were young, but the ages ranged from 6-19. These young men have been involved with abuse and neglect, and they were not sent there because of some issue thay had, but instead, because they had no where else to go (its more like a foster home). As we spent more time with the boys, the more their personalities shined. I continually thought to myself, who would not want these precious children, or wondering how it would feel like to live in a foster home, knowing that those aren't your real parents, or family. One little boy's half-brother was also in the home, and he took great pride in telling us that, "that is my brother". It's simple words like these that we, living out the so-called "American Dream", take for granted. I wonder what their story is behind each shed tear or mixed emotion. I would sit and listen all day if they would tell, just for one to listen. Thankful.

The second opportunity I was given was to volunteer for an orphan relief organization. Jordan had been once before, but I wanted to come with him this second time. This organization has a storehouse (literally a house, don't think big), full of clothes, shoes, underwear, toiletries, school supplies, books, and stuffed animals, that are given to children who are taken away from their parents instanteously, and need neccessities to survive for a few days, until they get settled to where ever they are going. Part of my job was to pack bags for orders that came in, consisting of the childs first name, their age, sizes, and what all they needed. After a tour of the house, I began a bag for a little 6-9 month old. As I approached the shelf labeled "Boys: 6-9 months", I began sorting through the pile of folded little shirts and pants, searching for what I thought would be the best outfits for him. I instantly imagined a little boy, who can hardly sit up, with no where to go. He has just been taken away from his parents. He has no toys, no clothes, no comfy blanket to hold, and the bag I am packing will be his only belongings. Tears filled my eyes as I thought deeper into this "bag" that I am packing for this 6-9 month old. I chose articles of clothing wisely, what I would want my little boy to wear. I chose a stuffed animal wisely, one that would be comforting, soft, and snuggly. I chose soap wisely, so his small eyes wouldn't burn as he was given a bath. I sealed the bag with a little prayer. Oh, what I would give to touch the lives of one of these orphans. Thankful.

Although my past has not been perfect, it was never this "unperfect". I have no idea how it would feel as a child to grow-up in these circumstances. What I do know, is that I am eternally thankful. I refuse to say this lightly. People are constantly consumed with their circumstances, worried about pitty things, which in reality, probably don't even matter. How would our attitudes change if we took a larger perspective, and looked back at the forgotten hearts, lives, and voices that go day-to-day unseen and unheard? Easier said than done? Most certainly, probably because we don't want to face the fact that these things are real in today's society.

This month, and always, remember what you are truly thankful for. Bless others, and may God bless you.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

all natural.

Please allow me to be honest-all natural. Have you ever realized how much time can affect the way you live your life? Sound confusing? Let me explain.

Just time, alone. I got to thinking about this recently, comparing and configuring where all of it goes. Specifically in my life, my daily doings. I have been struggling the past 2 weeks with motivation and a drive to stay on task efficiently with mostly schoolwork. It is my senior year and I am fully pursuaded that senoritis is a real disease that affects college seniors everywhere. I haven't been 100% clear on why I have been feeling this way, whether it be laziness, early mornings and late nights, or simply my time with Jesus (the lack of). I am the type of person whom good grades do not come easily. Therefore, I must give a lot of time and effort to get As and Bs. Consequently, other priorities seem to get pushed to the side. Priorities that matter more than getting straight As and are of greater significance. Because my days are usually jam-packed from beginning to end and my return to my quaint dorm room is not until 10-11pm, which is then shower and bed, I have not been making room for my quiet time with Jesus.

I was talking with a good friend recently about my attitude and how I've hated it, not necessarily towards people, but really just my perception of things. Soon after, The Lord began dealing with my heart about where/how I am spending my time. This challenge continued as I thought about how much "time" has a control over our lives. Everything revolves around the clock, either you have time do spend with friends, or you don't. Either you have time to make a quick trip to visit family, or you don't. Either you have time to run to the store, or you don't. It was quite frightening to think that if time is wasted and not used effectively, it is lost. It cannot be regained. This led me to another thought, I am not performing at the best of my ability because I have not spent enough quality time with Jesus. Now I'm not saying my relationship with Him has been obsolete, just saying not enough time has been spent with Him. Ya know, I don't think we really realize how important Jesus is for our lives, until we try to live on our own. We, as human beings, are filthy rags. We are dirty, broken, and lost.

Although most Christians believe that a daily walk with Jesus is not required, that a single prayer for salvation and an occasional hand raise will do, I believe the opposite. Yes, we must pray a prayer of salvation, but Jesus deserves more than what we feel like giving after a long day of classes or work. Luke 9:23 says, "And he said to them all, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me." We must first deny ourselves. For me, I need to make sure that time is set specifically aside for "quiet time" and also that the words that come forth from my mouth are encouraging and not self-seeking. I must take up my cross and follow Jesus wholeheartedly, without constraint.

This week, I challenge you to seek out what you need to deny in your life to become a carrier of the cross.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

my comfort.

Last Thursday, I had the opportunity to attend a Parent Teacher Association (PTA) meeting at my cooperating school. As I sat down in the auditorium chair, I wasn't sure what to expect. There was a variety of parents surrounding me and a few fellow classmates. Some parents had many piercings and tattoos, while others had their clothes and hair perfectly placed, hoping that others would notice how "perfect" their lives were. Most of the students at this school are characterized as middle class, although it is a low-income area. The program began with announcments and gifts for leaders in the association, and also an agreement of the budget proposed. Next, was something spectacular- performances by the third grade. As cute as can be, the students were dressed as cowboys, plumbers, and movie stars with the theme, "Free to Be Me". As I looked around, I saw parents sitting at the edge of their seats and pulling out their cameras to get a good look at their shining students. It makes me very happy when I see parents taking part of their child's education.

But, I witnessed something that night that made me feel the opposite of happy. Sitting in the row ahead of me, there was an older couple. The woman could be categorized as "perfectly placed". Her hair-perfect, her makeup- overdone, her clothes-expensive. Sitting on her lap throughout the program was a little girl, probably aged at 6 years old. About 3/4ths the way through the spectacular singing, the little girl walked across the aisle to another woman. This woman was less "put together" with frizzy curly hair, no make-up, and a plain white shirt. Thought that came to mind, "Ok, that must be her mother, and the couple closest to me, her grandparents." After arguing about something with her mother, she returned to who I thought was her grandparents. The next part of this story is what broke my heart. After the third grade classes sang their little hearts out, a little boy came walking up the aisle. Still dressed in his stage costume, anxious to see his family for hugs and acceptance. The mother that was to the right of me, whom the young girl went to earlier, was motioning him to come to the back of the room. To the left of me, the other couple made eye contact with the boy for him to walk towards them. I immediately felt tension all around me. The obvious picture, these two little ones were part of a heart-breaking divorce. My heart immediately broke for them. The expression on the boys face, when his mother was telling him to go one way but his father was wanting him to come another way, is something that I'll never forget. He was confused. He was torn. He was desperate for love. My eyes immediately filled with tears.

Maybe it hit me hard because I feel like I've been in his place before, but in another dimension. Or, possibly it was only the hurt on his young face that was so heart-wrenching. Either way, I saw all of the hurt and confusion that his parents caused through their divorce on his face that instant. It flashed through my mind like a reel of film. I imagined images, feelings, and unanswered questions at that moment.

Recently, I have been listening to the new Ramp CD (a must-have once it fully releases). One of my favorite songs on that CD has been "Nothing But the Blood". This isn't the historical hymn that probably just popped into your head, but a revised verson written by Matt Redman. The lyrics:

Your blood speaks a better word
Than all the empty claims
I’ve heard upon this earth
Speaks righteousness for me
And stands in my defense
Jesus it’s Your blood

What can wash away our sins?
What can make us whole again?
Nothing but the blood
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What can wash us pure as snow?
Welcomed as the friends of God
Nothing but Your blood
Nothing but Your blood King Jesus

Your cross testifies in grace
Tells of the Father’s heart to make a way for us
Now boldly we approach
Not by earthly confidence
It’s only Your blood

This weekend, these words hit me hard and it brought back to my rememberance this family, the children especially. It's amazing to me how Jesus loves his people, that His way is sufficient for us. Although everything else comes up void, including family problems, He speaks righteousness for me, and stands in my defense. I hope this little boy knows that even though things might not be quite right at home, and he doesn't know who to turn to, Jesus is there. His heavenly Father made a way for him. The same applies for all of us.

Thank you Jesus for your blood that covers me.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Once again, I'm blogging when I should be sleeping. Considering blogging has become probably one of my favorite things to do when I want to reflect on my life and whats happening in it, it is necessary that I write whenever time permits.

Speaking of time permitting, this week/weekend I haven't obtained much. My first week of classes involved three 4-page papers, one 2-3 page paper, and the reading of a children's novel. Sounds fun right? You guessed it...YES! The joy of all this is that, one- this is my last semester of classes, and two- this is actual information and knowledge that I will need to obtain for the rest of my career. As I sit in class after class, crazy professor after crazy professor, I soak up every word my professors are spewing out. It's vital information. Considering most of my professors have their doctorate and multiple degrees, I've realized that I can learn from the masters. The same with my cooperating teacher, Mrs. Young. Mrs. Young has her masters degree, is National Board Certified, and is 2010 Teacher of the Year. What a great opportunity I have in my hands, and daily I thank Jesus that I have this opportunity to learn from the best of the best. By the way, as a follow up from my last post, my assigned student teaching classroom is awesome. The students are so sweet and smart. I couldn't have asked for any better.

For all you teachers, future teachers, or individuals working with children, you have an awesome opportunity. The greatest thing about a child is their constant growing mind. As you work with the child/children whom you are responsible, find it a joy. Find it a joy that you can influence their lives forever, or get their little minds thinking. Find it a joy that you have a chance to show them something completely new, that their little eyes have never seen. Find it a joy that you may be keeping them from a negative home environment, where attention is not given. Every child is entitled someone who cares for them. You may be that only person. So when days get long and feet get tired, don't give up.

Favorites this week:
-CSU rave-
-time spent with friends-
-Sonic Happy Hour-
-Starbucks Mocha ice cream-
-freshman move in-
-CSU womens soccer game-
-Love Awakening-
-my planner-

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

hump-day happies.

I already know what you're thinking... 2 posts in one week?! Yes. That's correct, I'm setting a personal blogging record (although I should be sleeping)!

So, I had been waiting for this week for a month or so- just because of this reason. I knew it would be a time when I would have nothing due, no work- to the exception of residence life training meetings, and lots of time to be spent with friends and resting. And I will say that it has been glorious. Hence, why my blogging stats have increased! Today was pretty awesome. I got the opportunity to share my testimony in front of my RezLife family- keep in mind, this was my first time ever sharing my testimony in front of a crowd. I believe it went well, people seemed to tell me so. The morning continued with RezLife training meetings, then lunch, then another meeting. Afternoon consisted of dorm room shopping with a fellow friend, Melanie and dinner soon after. Next, was group "bonding time" with RezLife dodgeball, of which I refuse to participate in due to the intensity of boys and bruises. Last on the list was the opportunity to go classroom supply shopping with a friend that recently got a first grade teaching job at a local elementary school. I just get so excited when I see nametags, counting cubes, birthday posters, #2 pencils, homework passes, treasure chest sursies, and bulletin board borders. I don't know what it is, but I just want to buy it ALL! I have a feeling I am in the right profession. TrueLife: Created for the Classroom.

Speaking of education fun, you may have noticed that I changed my blog decor. I saw the pink school buses and thought they were the cutest ever, and also appropriate for the next year of my life. Student teaching. I've waited my whole life for this! This time next year, I will hopefully be buying those classroom supplies for myself, for all of my precious students that will be placed in my hands for one whole school year. I cannot wait. In the meantime, I must focus on my last year of college (and wedding planning of course). Tomorrow night, I will be meeting the fourth grade teacher of whom I will be cooperating with for my student teaching experience. I will also be meeting the students that will be in the class at the "Meet the Teacher" event. Throughout the fall semester, I will be working with this class and later, in the spring semester is when I will actually take over the class, full-time, for the short period of six weeks. I am super stoked about being there on the first day of school for the students, which is next week, to get an opportunity to see how things operate on that anxious, exciting day. Keep in touch for funny stories, I'm sure! Never a dull moment with fourth graders!

Favorite things this week:
- chocolate covered pretzels
-Riverdogs baseball game
-Aveeno Skin Relief Lotion, with menthol
- quality time with RAs
-caf's "home sweet home" menu
- Thermafuse hairspray
-greatness of Jesus

Sunday, August 8, 2010


I have the urge to blog, but just not sure what about. So, this writing might consist of random odds and ends, or maybe not.

I first want to start off with God's goodness. It is something that baffles my mind. Not only for me, but for others around me. When I began this whole blogging thing, I wasn't sure what it would all unfold to be- like the subjects of which I would write- but I just really wanted to start one. It seems that every time I click the tab "New post" the doings of the Lord begin to fill my mind and all I want to do is write about them. I feel that it is a waste if all I do is talk about myself. So here goes another post involving my Savior.

Do you ever have those days when you just really want to hear from the Lord? Well, I had one of those nights recently. There was something that happened that left me emotionally and physically tired. And the cause of this tiredness- was man's opinions and ways of doing things. Therefore, I was sick of hearing what man had to say and was ready for a word from the Lord. Something that was actually significant. Something that had depth. Something with revelation. And I didn't want to turn to any individual for help. My next step was simply to open my bible. I have recently began reading my Message bible, instead of the usual NLT bible, and it gives a different perspective on verses by the authors word choice. The scripture I immediately turned to was Matthew 5:1-12. And because I like this passage so much, I'm going to go ahead and provide you with the text:

"When Jesus saw his ministry drawing huge crowds, he climbed to a hillside. Those who were apprenticed to him, the committed, climbed with him. Arriving at a quiet place, he sat down and taught his climbing companions. This is what he said: "You're blessed when you're at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule. You're blessed when you feel you've lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you. You're blessed when you're content with just who you are-no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought. You're blessed when you've worked up a good appetite for God. He's food and drink in the best meal you'll ever eat. You're blessed when you care. At that moment of being care-full, you find yourselves cared for. You're blessed when you get your inside world- your mind and heart- put right. then you can see God in the outside world. You're blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. that's when you discover who you really are, and your place in God's family. You're blessed when your commitment to God provokes persecution. The persecution drives you even deeper into God's kingdom. Not only that- count yourselves blessed every time people put you down or throw you out or speak lies about you to discredit me. What it means is that the truth is too close for comfort and they are uncomfortable. You can be glad when that happens-give a cheer, even!- for though they don't like it, I do! and all heaven applauds. And know that you are in good company. My prophets and witnesses have always gotten into this kind of trouble."

The awesome thing about this passage is not all of the blessings, although they are a plus. The awesome thing is, is that God is with you in all of these circumstances. I also find it ironic that Jesus decided to teach his disciples at a "quiet place" when he was drawing huge crowds. I believe thats how Jesus still speaks to his people today. In a quiet way. In the midst of "large crowds" and confusion. Almost like he didn't even care if there were large crowds, but he wanted the ones closest to him to know that they are in good company, even through the worst of times. This, once again, reveals to me the greatness of Him. I don't care if everyone doesn't understand why I strive to live a life of worship, because I am in good company. I don't care if everyone agrees with what I believe in, because I am in good company. I know that when the largest storm comes against me, I am in good company. I also know that if I keep my mind and heart right, that I will stay in good company. Hallelujah.

"And if our God is for us, than who could ever stop us; and if our God is with us, than what can stand against..." -chris tomlin

Monday, August 2, 2010

Just Jordan.

So, Jordan and I have set our wedding date for the perfect Saturday of July 9th, 2011. I am getting excited as each day passes. I just keep wondering what it will be like when I am "one" with my husband. I'm anxious to start our lives together and discover what Jesus has in store. We both have have a lot of things we want to accomplish, and I believe as we become a team those things will become even more approachable.

As Jordan's senior year of football approaches, his hard work throughout the past 5 years has already proven to pay-off. He recently got awarded a nominee for the Allstate AFCA Good Works Team, only the second player in Big South history. The award is given to athletes across the nation who are "the best of the best" on and off the field. Another award he recently received is Preseason All-Conference team and has been recognized by different conference officials for his accomplishments. These are awards just from the past few weeks, not to mention the awards he has previously received. For those without significant others who participate in a college-level sport, its tough. But also rewarding. I have supported Jordan with the best of my ability because it is something that he enjoys and wants to succeed at, just as he supports me with my passions. It is awesome to know that he has made a difference, and that people have noticed. Jordan has always succeeded at everything he put his hands on, beginning from a very young age. Although at times success didn't seem in the picture, through multiple injuries and loss of play time because of those injuries, I knew he would pull through. Because of his dedication and perseverance, I love him much.

Monday, July 19, 2010

happenings, happenings!

Wow. This summer has just flown by, and I'm not sure how I feel about it! If I had to describe it all in one word it would be: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

Since the last post, The Ramp was absolutely awesome. Words can't express how thankful I am of what the Lord did through every individual that went. A few thoughts from the trip: God is a REAL God and He speaks in a REAL way, there is no more time for compromising, we are in the midst of a third great awakening. The last day of the conference, we had a baptism service- and not the ordinary tub on the stage type baptism that is filled with warm water, awaiting adults and children who feel it is neccessary because of tradition. This baptism was something glorious, down in a creek of Hamilton, AL where God's presence was quickly falling. I felt like I was witnessing something from the Bible-days. The whole trip was just wonderful.

Next on my list of great things this summer was the wedding of my best friend Ashley. I was honored to be a bridesmaid in her wedding. Everything turned out gorgeous, from the venue to the flowers, to the people in the bridal party, just all of it! We all had such a fun time dancing the night away and trying our hardest to make it a memory to last a lifetime.

Third on my list is my personal wedding planning! Me and Jordan are anxiously awaiting next summer, a ton of new things for us- on which I will write about another late night. We have our wedding budget set and in the process of setting our wedding date. School is starting soon and I pray it won't halt my wedding planning :/ I'm going to try my hardest to keep everything going strong! Jordan is already having to keep me sane, haha, I love him so much.

Things I've realized throughout these sunny months:
  • There is a lot of things that I want to do. These include: be the best teacher any school has ever seen, open up a Christian dance studio, get my cosmetology license, make crafts and sell them, learn how to sew, and learn ballet.
  • Tourists can be some of the most hilarious individuals on the planet.
  • Online classes are harder than they should be, and I will never have the desire to take another one.
  • Beach time should be taken more seriously- with Bible, book or magazine, water, and Hawaiian Tropic tanning oil.
  • The older you get, the less amount of summer free-time you receive. :(
  • I can't wait until next May, when I am finished with college!
  • I really need to blog more often so that when I actually blog, it won't be as extensive.
  • AHHHHH! I'm getting married!!!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Tuesday, I will be leaving with my youth group to attend a conference at a place called
The Ramp. Now you're probably wondering what in the world that is. The Ramp is a place where the Glory of God dwells. His presence just so happens to overtake every individual who enters the doors. Young adults, youth, and children gather there from across the nation almost every month to have an encounter with Jesus. The last time I have actually attended The Ramp was in 2005, which seems forever ago, but I've watched online live for many gatherings and services since then. It's crazy that the last time our youth group went was when I was in probably the 11th grade, and now I'm going as a chaperone! I'm praying that every individual in the group going with us leaves there changed.

As I look back at my middle and high school years, I truly believe those are years that I would not want to re-live. I'm not sure if that statement is based on some of the trials I went through during those times, or simply because most students at those ages are so lost. Me as an example, I never had boyfriends, smoked a cigarette or drank a drop of alchohol, but I sure wanted to "fit in". My heart breaks when I see young people trying hard to be like their friends, or hear of them making bad decisions- based on who they are around, or even trying to be the boy or girl that is labeled "different". It is absolutely OK to not fit in with the rest of your graduating class, or even the teammates on your baseball or football team. Part of my testimony is that the Lord kept me from falling into worldly desires and lusts. I wish I could get that across every teenager's mind. The problem with fellow classmates and unsaved friends, is that they are searching. Searching for something to accept them. Searching for someone to love them. Searching for something rewarding. Searching for something to fill in the gap of their soul. The exciting thing about living a life for the Lord, is that what everyone else is searching for, we have already found it! It's Jesus. Your job as the Christian kid at school, is to share the love that you have found.

In conclusion, I am expecting the Lord to move mightly on the young people in our church on this trip. They need a real encounter. It is so easy for us to get complacement and feed off of the everyday issues of life. I want Jesus to wreck our lives for His glory. I crave for Him to get in the way.
www.theramp.org << check it out!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Love never fails.


i'm engaged!!!

Me and Jordan had been dating for 5 years, and now I can finally call him my fiance. I am the typical girl who dreams of her wedding. For the past couple of years, I have been collecting wedding magazines and looking at photography websites, wondering what my wedding will be like. It's just crazy that I can actually start planning mine, for real this time!

Our love story began May 3rd, 2005. I would say we are the type of couple that has grown and matured together through the years. Individually we have been through many struggles, and together we have learned many lessons. Whether it has been football injuries, loneliness from friends and family from home, the struggles of finding GOOD friends, major decisions for our future, family problems, and the other events of life, we have stuck together like glue. Who would have known that one day on a trampoline, chatting with his sister, would have changed the rest of my life?! I am oober excited to see what God has in store for our lives. We both know that He has called us to something extravagant!

How'd it all go down, you're wondering??
Well... our 5th year anniversary was this past Monday (May 5th). He had told me that something was planned for Tuesday but wouldn't tell me what. So, Tuesday night I get all dolled up, excited that I get to spend some time to celebrate our relationship, and we end up in the parking lot of Spiritline Cruises. Bahama cruise you're thinking, nope- a popular Charleston dinner cruise line. I got totally excited as we boarded the small ship to embark on an adventure around the Charleston coastline. After we waited for everyone to board (approx. 30 min), we ordered our dinner. The third floor of the boat was open-air, with an awning, where you could get a better look at the water and scenery. After the waitress invited us to visit the top floor, Jordan insisted on us going. When we got up there, it was just us, and we just chatted for a few minutes before it got sappy. He began his "proposal speech" and knelt down on one knee, before popping the big question! "Will you marry me?" And, of course, I said YES! This was the day that I had waited a lifetime for! For the rest of the night, all we could do was think about our future and be excited- and Jordan was happy to get that ring off his hands. The rest of our cruise, which lasted from 7-10pm, included scrumptious dessert, a beautiful rainbow, the beautiful night view of the Cooper River Bridge, and a boat ride under the stars. After docking, the phone calls and congrats began. The entire night was absolutely perfect. I could not have asked for anything better. Here are some pictures from the night:

Stay tuned into my blog to follow the planning and preparation for our big day! <3>

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Attention ALL Ladies!!

Throughout my college experience, I have learned MANY lessons, which I'm sure many people in the same boat could say. But recently, there has been something on my heart that I want to stress to all women my age. If only we could truly grasp these two statments fully: 1- Don't stress and 2-Love your true self. This may be a longer blog, but I want to share my realizations from the past three years of my life.

Challenge #1: Don't Stress!

When I graduate college, I know one thing for sure- I will have an undergraduate degree in Elementary Education. But, will I have anything else to show for the past four years of my life? I mean really, four years is a long time! I know that I will have added friendships and long-lasting memories, but what about the deeply significant moments that change your life forever. As females, we very often get bogged down the everyday, mundane things of life; we think we have to look exactly right, say the right words, worry about our families or friends, or significant others.

Last semester, I found myself getting suffocated by my stressors and worries. As a college student- better yet, education major, I have tons of deadlines and little things that have to be turned in promtly. I forgot to spend quality time with friends and family, make moments that would be treasured, speak into someones life and make a difference, or give advice to a wandering freshman who's parents are getting a divorce. All of these things got pushed to the side, and pulling all-nighters and keeping my face in textbooks and novels took over. After feeling like giving up, it hit me. What will I want to tell people of my college experience- that I shed many tears and barely got through because of the stress of being a college student, OR that I lead someone to the Lord and got the chance to speak into someones life and help them through a tough situation. So, DONT STRESS! Through all of the things that I've been through, I can tell you one thing- everything ALWAYS works out. If you have done everything you could do for a class but still cant seem to receive 100%s on tests, you'll have other opportunities. Life is a journey, which means you might not always know whats coming next. But in those times that you don't know what to expect, trust the Lord, He never fails you.

Challenge #2- Love your true self!

Like I said above, being a women always has high expectations. If you get caught up in these expectations of your figure, attitude, and roles in society, you will never be able to enjoy being YOU! Summertime is approaching (YAYYY!), which means bathing suit and short season. For me, this has never been the most exciting time of year for my self-confidence. I always judge myself compared to other girls body and fashion sense this time of the year. After getting caught up in myself about this subject, something else hit me! Why spend life trying to measure up to everyone's standards and view of what YOU should be- even people that you don't even know! It's craziness- the measures women will go just to "fit in" to society. So, I've decided that I don't want to be the skinniest girl on the block- or even the prettiest. I don't want to require approval from my family or boyfriend that I'm smart or funny. I don't want to "fit in" with this clique or that one. I just want to be ME! What's so wrong about a girl trying to be herself?! I want to make my own dreams and goals, then accomplish them. I want to be an effective leader. I want to make a difference in someone's life by being a teacher. I want to be the best wife and momma some day. I want to do the best I can to be a positive part of society. So, to ALL females- no matter what age or race- be yourself! Show people your true colors and dont blend in. Besides, if everyone were the same, this world would be quite boring. :)

"...that we should no longer be children, tossed to and for and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head-Christ-" Ephesians 4:14-15

Sunday, April 25, 2010

It's a New Thing!

So, I recently began thinking about creating a blog- and here it is! I am kind of excited to see what all I can do with this whole blogging thing. I figured it would be a way for me to document the events of my life for a little while. As for this week, there is a LOT of stuff going on!! Exams are finally arriving and I'll be traveling a lot also. I am super excited about summertime and all of its glory. But, I must get through exams first, which means I should go study! Gnite everyone!