Sunday, June 20, 2010


Tuesday, I will be leaving with my youth group to attend a conference at a place called
The Ramp. Now you're probably wondering what in the world that is. The Ramp is a place where the Glory of God dwells. His presence just so happens to overtake every individual who enters the doors. Young adults, youth, and children gather there from across the nation almost every month to have an encounter with Jesus. The last time I have actually attended The Ramp was in 2005, which seems forever ago, but I've watched online live for many gatherings and services since then. It's crazy that the last time our youth group went was when I was in probably the 11th grade, and now I'm going as a chaperone! I'm praying that every individual in the group going with us leaves there changed.

As I look back at my middle and high school years, I truly believe those are years that I would not want to re-live. I'm not sure if that statement is based on some of the trials I went through during those times, or simply because most students at those ages are so lost. Me as an example, I never had boyfriends, smoked a cigarette or drank a drop of alchohol, but I sure wanted to "fit in". My heart breaks when I see young people trying hard to be like their friends, or hear of them making bad decisions- based on who they are around, or even trying to be the boy or girl that is labeled "different". It is absolutely OK to not fit in with the rest of your graduating class, or even the teammates on your baseball or football team. Part of my testimony is that the Lord kept me from falling into worldly desires and lusts. I wish I could get that across every teenager's mind. The problem with fellow classmates and unsaved friends, is that they are searching. Searching for something to accept them. Searching for someone to love them. Searching for something rewarding. Searching for something to fill in the gap of their soul. The exciting thing about living a life for the Lord, is that what everyone else is searching for, we have already found it! It's Jesus. Your job as the Christian kid at school, is to share the love that you have found.

In conclusion, I am expecting the Lord to move mightly on the young people in our church on this trip. They need a real encounter. It is so easy for us to get complacement and feed off of the everyday issues of life. I want Jesus to wreck our lives for His glory. I crave for Him to get in the way. << check it out!

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