So, I had been waiting for this week for a month or so- just because of this reason. I knew it would be a time when I would have nothing due, no work- to the exception of residence life training meetings, and lots of time to be spent with friends and resting. And I will say that it has been glorious. Hence, why my blogging stats have increased! Today was pretty awesome. I got the opportunity to share my testimony in front of my RezLife family- keep in mind, this was my first time ever sharing my testimony in front of a crowd. I believe it went well, people seemed to tell me so. The morning continued with RezLife training meetings, then lunch, then another meeting. Afternoon consisted of dorm room shopping with a fellow friend, Melanie and dinner soon after. Next, was group "bonding time" with RezLife dodgeball, of which I refuse to participate in due to the intensity of boys and bruises. Last on the list was the opportunity to go classroom supply shopping with a friend that recently got a first grade teaching job at a local elementary school. I just get so excited when I see nametags, counting cubes, birthday posters, #2 pencils, homework passes, treasure chest sursies, and bulletin board borders. I don't know what it is, but I just want to buy it ALL! I have a feeling I am in the right profession. TrueLife: Created for the Classroom.
Speaking of education fun, you may have noticed that I changed my blog decor. I saw the pink school buses and thought they were the cutest ever, and also appropriate for the next year of my life. Student teaching. I've waited my whole life for this! This time next year, I will hopefully be buying those classroom supplies for myself, for all of my precious students that will be placed in my hands for one whole school year. I cannot wait. In the meantime, I must focus on my last year of college (and wedding planning of course). Tomorrow night, I will be meeting the fourth grade teacher of whom I will be cooperating with for my student teaching experience. I will also be meeting the students that will be in the class at the "Meet the Teacher" event. Throughout the fall semester, I will be working with this class and later, in the spring semester is when I will actually take over the class, full-time, for the short period of six weeks. I am super stoked about being there on the first day of school for the students, which is next week, to get an opportunity to see how things operate on that anxious, exciting day. Keep in touch for funny stories, I'm sure! Never a dull moment with fourth graders!
Favorite things this week:
- chocolate covered pretzels
-Riverdogs baseball game
-Aveeno Skin Relief Lotion, with menthol
- quality time with RAs
-caf's "home sweet home" menu
- Thermafuse hairspray
-greatness of Jesus
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